Most people's first view of osteopathy is that it involves "hands on" treatment. In reality, this is only a portion of what Osteopaths do to assist with managing muscleskeletal health issues.
Educating you about your condition, identifying contributing factors from your lifestyle, as well as instigating a structured and tailored exercise program, are some of the most important things osteopaths do.
This areas of osteopathy put you in much more control of your own recovery. Research has shown that outcomes can, in fact, be better through online consultation, due to the empowering tools that can be delivered during each consultation.
Please check our dedicated page TeleHealth for Osteopathy to explain more on how it works, what to expect, cost, how to set up and other common questions you might have.
What happens on my initial consult with my osteopath?
With years of experience, our practitioner team will assess you and create a customised recovery plan that's right for you. We understand the importance of educating you on the most effective ways to take care of your body, so that you can heal quickly.
Osteopathy is a patient-centred, system of healthcare. A first appointment generally lasts about 45 minutes to an hour to allow the osteopath adequate time to:
Your osteopath will also check for signs of serious conditions they cannot treat and may advise you to see your GP or go to hospital.
Osteopathy specialises in the diagnosis, management, treatment, and prevention of musculoskeletal and other related disorders.
Your osteopath will give you a clear explanation of what they find (their diagnosis) and discuss a treatment plan that is suitable for you. They will explain the benefits and any risks of the treatment they are recommending. It is important to understand and agree what the treatment can achieve, and the likely number of sessions needed for a noticeable improvement in how you feel.
Treatment is hands-on and involves skilled manipulation of the spine and joints, and massage of soft tissues. Your osteopath will explain what they are doing and will always ask your permission to treat you (known as consent). Ask questions at any time if you are unsure what you have been told or if you have any concerns.
Self-help measures and advice on exercise may be offered to assist your recovery, prevent recurrence or worsening of symptoms.
Not only will our practitioners assist with your existing conditions, we also work to prevent pain and illness from occurring. All practitioners are fully qualified, registered and members of their respective professional organisation.
You are welcome to call our friendly reception at any time. We will look after you.
It’s advisable to arrive a little early for your first appointment, as you may need to fill out additional paperwork including an ‘informed consent’ form. We have prepared this information to familiarise you with our registration process and help ensure a smooth and worry-free first visit to our clinic on your scheduled appointment day. Please arrive 5 minutes earlier if it is your first appointment.
During Covid-19, To ensure safety and that everything flows smoothly at your arrival, please arrive at the time of your appointment, be mindful of the social distancing requirements when entering the reception area. Please wait outside, once you have checked in.
Daily clothing, as a gown will be offered during treatment. You are welcome to wear our freshly clean gown if needed. As an option you are welcome to come to your appointment wearing ‘stretchy’ material clothing (gym or fitness type of gear), preferable long shorts or pants.
*Cash is not accepted during Covid-19 period.
Copyright © Allied Osteopathy - All Rights Reserved.
Robina, Gold Coast Osteopath